ACC policy on the use of herbicides to control invasive and noxious plants

Revision Date: July 12, 2023

The Amherst Conservation Commission (ACC) is charged with the management and protection of conservation properties in the town for the public benefit. Among the challenges faced by ACC is the control of invasive and noxious plants that threaten biodiversity in natural habitats.


It is ACC’s policy to use effective means of integrated vegetation management that follow accepted best management practices and comply with regulatory requirements. This may include a variety of techniques, including the combination of mechanical and herbicidal treatments where necessary given the characteristics of the sites and species requiring management.


Recognizing that some citizens may have concerns about the use of herbicides regardless of regulatory compliance and good practices in their application, ACC will:

  1. 1)  Post information on the ACC website including a map of known areas requiring invasive plant treatments, a schedule and explanation of planned treatments, and the types of herbicides planned for use.

  2. 2)  Post a notification at any property where herbicide application is planned, no less than 7 days prior to application and to remain at the site for no less than 5 days after application. The posting will include the following: a. date of herbicide application; b. information on the reason for its use; c. re-entry recommendations after application; d. QR code for ACC website page with additional information (e.g., product label, SDS, other; and e. ACC contact information

  1. 3)  In the case that an abutter contacts ACC with concerns, engage with that individual and explain the rationale for controlling the invasive plants and the methods. After discussion with the abutter and if appropriate, ACC may elect to change the planned treatment.

  2. 4)  Continue to stay abreast of developments in invasive plant management, including alternatives to herbicides, and experiment with new methods that are supported by reasonable expert opinion, as appropriate and feasible.

ACC may re-visit this policy periodically to ensure that it fulfills the objective of effective and safe invasive and noxious plant species management on the town’s conservation properties.

2024 Planned Treatments

Bertha Rogers


Explanation: This site is infested with exotic invasive plant species. If left unmanaged these species can dominate the landscape, crowding out native species. ACC has contracted the mechanical cutting of invasives. At that time, the contractor may apply an herbicide to the stumps of selected woody species to prevent re-growth. This is a targeted treatment of limited scope. The contractor is a licensed applicator and will apply a regulator-approved herbicide to individual invasive plants.


Date of Treatment: March-April 2024 (application day is subject to weather and scheduling)


Re-entry recommendations: Do not re-enter the area until spray is dry


Product EPA registration:



Product Safety Data Sheet:


Buck Meadow


Explanation: This site is a former golf course, half of which is being used for by the Recreation Department and the other half as conservation land, including a grassland restoration component. The forest/grassland interface is infested with exotic invasive plant species, including Oriental bittersweet, common buckthorn, shrub honeysuckles, multiflora rose, burning bush, and barberry. If left unmanaged these species can dominate the landscape, crowding out native species. Oriental bittersweet can even take down trees with the weight of their vines. ACC has contracted a licensed applicator to apply a regulator-approved herbicide to individual invasive plants along the 1.3 linear mile of forest-grassland interface.


Date of Treatment: fall 2024 (application day is subject to weather and scheduling)


Re-entry recommendations: Do not re-enter the area until spray is dry


Product EPA registration:

#524-343 -

#228-534 -

#432-1549 -



Product Safety Data Sheets:


Great Meadow (South)


Explanation: This site has a number of invasive species. If left unmanaged these species can dominate the landscape, crowding out native species. Invasive woody plants occurring here also pose a threat to neighboring private property and the town cemetery. ACC seeks to contract a licensed applicator to apply a regulator-approved herbicide to individual invasive plants in this area, including collaborative treatment with town property managed by DPW.


Date of Treatment: fall 2024 (application day is subject to weather and scheduling)


Re-entry recommendations: Keep people and pets off treated areas until spray solution has dried


Product EPA registration:


#228-534 -

#432-1549 -



Product Safety Data Sheets: